
Thursday, 7 April 2011

Gardening Is A Way of Releasing Tension

Life is full of challenges and challenges create tensions. The burden of work at the office, unsettled loans, the antics of children and negative attitudes of friends, sometimes make our life quite miserable.

Do not torture your life by continuously living under pressure. Apart from finding ways to overcome the problems, you can do something that could help you to at least temporarily escape from the maddening situation. You have many options. Traveling, sporting events, fishing and watching films are some of them. If you are a homely type, I suggest that you pick up gardening as way of releasing your tension.

One may argue that the lack of space in the city would not make this activity possible. Actually, what I am trying to suggest is not to work on a vegetable plot or orchard, but to grow plants or vegetables within the compound of your house. You can even grow chilies, brinjals, tomatoes, sawi and many other vegetables in pots or poly bags in your compound. I have done this and believe me, seeing your plants grow, bearing flowers and fruits, give you a sense of happiness and satisfaction. Apart from creating a colourful atmosphere in your little heaven, the fruits of your labour taste better on the dining table, especially if you chose organic farming.

BalangLama: Last, but not least, this hobby would also help to reduce your expenditure.


  1. yeah bercucuk tanam juga merupakan terapi minda...

  2. gardening is good for health also good exercise.

  3. sayu suka kaler ijau!! sangat mendamaikan...

  4. gardening its not my hobby - coz smua tak jadi - :-)

  5. gardening ?
    punye ladang sendiri ?
    tuh la cita2 nabila.
    nak ada ladang sendiri ! mesti best :)

  6. saya duk taman susah nk bercucuk saya tanam juga pokok2 bunga dlm pasu.seronok.mmg terapi minda.

    ada tanah sikit blkg rumah tanam pokok sayur bila dpt tuai hasil.hehe.mcm byk sgt je kan?

    suka bila blk rumah mak.byk pokok.pokok bunga.sayur.buah.semua ada.

  7. saya duk taman susah nk bercucuk saya tanam juga pokok2 bunga dlm pasu.seronok.mmg terapi minda.

    ada tanah sikit blkg rumah tanam pokok sayur bila dpt tuai hasil.hehe.mcm byk sgt je kan?

    suka bila blk rumah mak.byk pokok.pokok bunga.sayur.buah.semua ada.

  8. rumah saya takde tanah tapi saya dah minta hubby belikan pasu..ahaksssss

  9. dekat rumah atuk lg byk pokok bunga, memang letih betul gardening ni.

  10. my dad mmg berbudi ngan tanah... ada dusun lagi... tanam macam2 buah... tapi kita kena ada kemahiran utk menjaganya juga... apapun itu hobby dia..

  11. Bagus jugak gardening nie s'kurang-kurangnya dapat relese tension dan sebagai terapi minda bile tengok pokok2 yang hijau dan berbuah2...

    Sstgh orang suka untuk m'nanam pokok2 bunga dan m'punyai taman pokok2 bunga sendiri.. tanaman seperti sayur-sayuran, buah-buahan juga dapat m'bantu m'hilangkan stress apabila ia m'datangkan hasil.. Pasti tersenyum lebar bila kite dapat m'rasai sendiri tanaman2 yang kita tanam..itu da boleh jadi salah satu hobi..

    selain itu, ia juga boleh dijadikan sebagai salah satu senaman bagi mereka yang kurang bersenam.. Banyak faedah dengan aktiviti gardening nie =)

  12. Kat rumah, berlambaklah bunga2 mummy... sebab mummy Mia mmg suka gardening.. especially orkids.. itulah yg pling bnyk kat umah, *kecuali rumputlah hehe*

    Berkebun ini sebenarnya bnyk lagi fadah.. contohnya,

    1. bersenam sambil membuahkan hasil.. :)

    2. Gembira dengan hasil tenaga sendiri dan dapat nikmatinya

    3. dapat menyelamatkan bumi walaupun dengan satu bunga.. at least u made a change... :)

  13. really? release tension? kena cuba ni.

  14. tanam jagung dapat hasil boleh amkan dan jual..ehehe

  15. Another health related benefit of gardening is that when people tend to their gardens, they are getting exercise. Even an activity as simple as gardening can contribute towards weight loss. Any physical activity that gets the heart beating faster is better for the body than no activity at all. Gardening gets a person outdoors, exposed to natural air, and refocused on a pleasant activity.

    Gardening also offers nutritional benefits to those who choose to plant a vegetable garden.
